An Update on Our Team

It’s been a while since our last team update. If you can remember, our last post had said that our team was working on our new pit project, ‘Super Pit’ as we like to call it. Our last update post had explained the project. To summarize, the pit project was split into two parts: a part for tools and a part for storage. The tool section will contain things that we can use to change our robot as allowed on the field, and the storage will contain any parts necessarily as other things we could use.




Last time we’ve posted, we were working on the framework of the pit as well as some of the inner works. For example, some of the tools on the inside of the tool pit were all attached since last time.


What’s New?

This week we’re working on the drive train and prototyping the robot for this year’s competition as well as finalizing the pit. Since we’ve learned what this year’s competition is, we’ve already come up with a design for the robot we’re going to build and are now working on implementing that plan.