

Rocket Robotics is a FIRST Robotics Competition ( FRC ) team that was founded in 2011. Since then it has undergone some changes, like the structure of the team changing, some mentors joining the team and some leaving. During the first year of competing, the team won the Rookie All-star Award, which was during the Logo-motion competition. Currently, the team has been at every single competition since then, striving to do better each year! Right now, the team is located in the South Milwaukee Middle School, which provides the housing for our equipment and robot, as well as some of the tools we use to create it. Caterpillar has also been a major supporter throughout the team's history, supplying funds, materials, and mentors, like our lead mentors: Nathan Colgrove and Adam Fleming.

Check out our vlog on YouTube!



While the FRC competition was created to have teams compete against each other, the main focus was to educate students and make more students interested in engineering and becoming future engineers. Additionally, teams can teach students about the business world, via things like marketing and graphic design, as those aspects of a business or corporation are important to know. Overall Robotics provides many opportunities to gain practical experience that are not otherwise available to high school students. It's important that there are opportunities to grow and develop these skills.

WHAT'S NEW IN 2023-2024?

Our 2024 FRC season has officially started! Our game task was revealed on the 6th of January, also known as kickoff. Our team was provided with a kitbot, and the build team is required to modify it so our robot for competition is accessible and flexible for maximum points. Right now, our design team has blueprints for the climbing mechanism for our robot. Finally, our programming team is upgrading our code for swerve drive. On our Thursday meeting, January 11th our build team finished the base for our kitbot. They are also working on the frame for the launcher to go into the speaker. The programming team is still working on our code to enhance swerve drive. The design team is continuing to work on the climbing mechanism for the chain to get harmonies.

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